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Engineering Emotions

Design Book 2: Bringing Your Brand Story to Life Through Glass Packaging

Arnaud Aujouannet
 | Senior Vice President and Chief Sales and Marketing Officer

I am honored to be introducing the second edition of O-I’s Design Book.

Many things have happened since the first edition – the most challenging and disruptive one being the global pandemic that has touched each and every one of us – personally and from a business point of view. Many of our customers have been impacted by the various lock-downs of bars and restaurants, and I wanted to first take this opportunity to share my most heartfelt support to all of them. It’s during times of crisis that heroes and strong brands emerge. Because we, as humans, admire those who turn a challenge into an opportunity. What does this have to do with glass packaging design? Everything.

There is a unique window of opportunity right now to re-form emotional bonds between brands and consumers. Preferences are changing – and there is an emerging tighter focus on health, wellness & safety, sustainability, enhancing the “at home” living experience. As new habits are formed, it is a great opportunity to make your brand an essential part of the new normal.

Glass is the healthiest packaging material, it is 100% endlessly recyclable – but it also plays with all our senses and elevates the everyday into extraordinary, memorable moments. And how important is that in today’s climate? Nothing can tell your brand story as authentically and as distinctively as a bespoke glass package.

At O-I, we not only master the process to turn sand into glass, we also master how to turn a brand identity into designs, capturing the right emotions that will remind consumers what the brand stands for and what they love about it.

The products in these pages come from all over the world. They show how glass can reflect the personality and trends unique to every brand, every region and every segment.

I am proud of the work of our glass masters illustrated in this book. And I am grateful to each of the brand owners and design agencies who have chosen to collaborate with O-I to harness the power of glass packaging to stand out on the shelf and tell their story. As you turn the pages, I hope that you, too, will be inspired by the magic of glass.

Arnaud Aujouannet
Arnaud Aujouannet
Senior Vice President and Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
Arnaud Aujouannet leads sales and marketing for O-I. Arnaud has been focused on creating packaging that tells the brand’s story and stands out on the shelf. He has worked with some of the most common household name brands and has successfully crafted unique stories for each one, and translated that story into the packaging to truly connect with target audiences.
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